Why Upload Orals and ePosters by October 8th? -->
General Presenter Questions
In-person Oral Presentations
In-person Poster Presentations
Virtual Presentations
Meeting Registration
Student Questions
Next Step Publishing
Contact Us

General Presenter Questions

When does the Annual Meeting begin and end?
October 29-November 1, 2023.

Can I still submit a new abstract?
In-person abstracts are open through June 13. Virtual abstracts are open until September 20. 

What if I don't have enough detail for an abstract before the submission deadline?
Not a problem! Please note that abstracts at this point are “holding slots” that reserve your spot in the desired session. The Program Planning Committee will require a title, full payment, and just enough abstract content to ensure your submissions are placed in proper sessions. Research details and more solid content can be added through November 9th.

Can I edit my existing abstract submission?
Yes, you can update your abstract's content until November 1. Changes will be reflected in the online and app versions of the program - even while onsite in St. Louis. If you need to edit your abstract, you can do so by logging in with your Society login information via the Confex Gateway.

When will I receive notification of my abstract acceptance and presentation time?
Submitting authors will be notified of their abstract acceptance and presentation scheduling in early September.

Why haven’t I received any correspondence about the abstract I submitted?
Most often this is a mistake in the presenting author’s email address (a typo or outdated address entered during abstract submission). Please make sure you’re listed as the presenting author and have the correct email address entered. If that is correct, please check your organization’s spam filter.

I need to cancel my abstract submission. How do I withdraw my submission?
Please email your request (including your abstract ID number for expediency) to the Technical Program Manager.


In-person Oral Presentation Questions

How long should my oral presentation last?

  • Oral presentations should last no longer than 15 minutes.
  • Rapid oral presentations should last no longer than 5 minutes.
  • Symposia presenters should contact their session organizers for their prescribed length of presentation.

Do you have a PPT slide template that I can use while building my presentation.
Yes, please feel free to use the 2023 PPT slide template. Please note that this is just a helpful tool - you are not required to utilize it in your presentation.

What is the prescribed slide format?
Use the widescreen 16:9 format when creating your PowerPoint slides. 4:3 formatted slides are not supported.

Can I transfer my in-person oral presentation to a virtual format?
Once the onsite scheduling, space, and rooms are finalized in early September, we will unfortunately be unable to transfer in-person oral presentations to virtual sessions. However, there is an “optional prerecording” module along the left side of your Speakers Corner if you would like your oral presentation to simply be played at the proper time in the physical room (uploading due by Oct. 27 in order to be included in the meeting platform). The limitation to that module is that it is not accessible to virtual attendees (including you) until a few weeks after the meeting when the rest of the in-person recordings are released to the platform. There is no livestream or interactive component to the prerecordings – they are just getting played at the right time.

Although your virtual registration will give you access to content only within the limited virtual programs, it will also allow both virtual and in-person attendees to request contact with you at any time during the meeting via the annual meeting program platform: Register Here

Of course, if that option is not desirable, please confirm your cancellation.

I need to cancel my abstract submission. How do I withdraw my submission?
Please email your request (including your abstract ID number for expediency) to the Technical Program Manager.


In-person Poster Presentation Questions

How big should my poster be?
All posters will be displayed on a half-size poster board (display space can be no larger than 44.5" x 44.5") for one day.

How long do I present?
All presenters will present for a two-hour period on one day.

How do I find my poster spot in the Exhibit Hall?
A poster board number will be placed in the upper left corner of the board on a 4½" x 3" card.

How do I put up my poster that day?
The poster boards are Velcro-friendly. Please bring your own Velcro.

Can I also upload a PDF version of my poster?
If you would like your poster to appear in the online program, you may upload it as a simple PDF file. You can upload your poster file by logging in via the Speakers Corner.

Can a simple PDF upload of a poster be broken into multiple pages?
The PDF can be multiple pages, but it must be only one file. (There is a 60 MB file size limit.)

I need a little help with that abstract ID # and password...
You can find your abstract number and password by logging in with your Society login information via the Confex Gateway.

Is there a prescribed layout for my poster?
Due to increased survey feedback requesting alternate scientific poster layouts, the Societies is drawing our poster presenters’ attention to Mike Morrison’s poster templates. Please note that this alternate format is merely an option for our poster authors and not required by the Societies.
Please feel free to further explore this concept through this related article.

Can I transfer my in-person poster presentation to a virtual format?
Once the onsite scheduling, space, and poster numbers are finalized, we will unfortunately be unable to transfer in-person poster presentations to virtual sessions. However, there are optional Eposter and poster PDF modules along the left side of your Speakers Corner if you would like your poster presentation to be available to both virtual and in-person attendees through the meeting platform (uploading due by Oct. 27 in order to be included in the meeting platform). There are no livestream or interactive components to the PDF/Eposter presentations – they are just available to registered attendees as on-demand content.

Your virtual registration will give you access to content within the limited virtual programs, and will also allow both virtual and in-person attendees to request contact with you at any time during the meeting via the annual meeting program platform: Register Here

Of course, if that option is not desirable, please confirm your cancellation.

I need to cancel my abstract submission. How do I withdraw my submission?
Please email your request (including your abstract ID number for expediency) to the Technical Program Manager.


Virtual Presentation Questions

What will be the formats of 2023 virtual presentations?
Virtual presentations can be prerecorded oral, prerecorded Eposter, or poster PDF formats.

Can I livestream my presentation during the Baltimore Meeting?
No. All virtual presentations for the 2023 Annual Meeting will be prerecorded for on-demand access (not livestreamed or simulive).

How much does a virtual submission cost?
Virtual submission fees are $140 ($165 after May 25) per submission. It is a flat rate regardless of membership level or status.

Will I be required to have a Virtual Registration in addition to my Virtual Submission?
Yes. All virtual submission presenting authors MUST have a corresponding paid registration by the final virtual abstract submission deadline (September 20).

  • The paid registration must be at least at the Virtual Registration level.
  • Virtual abstracts without a corresponding paid registration will be withdrawn after September 20.

Are submission and registration fees refundable?
Depending on the time of request, registration fees may be refundable. Please see the registration site for details.
Abstract fees are nonrefundable.

When would I need to have my virtual presentation files uploaded for inclusion into the meeting platform?
All prerecorded oral and Eposter files must be uploaded by October 19 in order to be included in the October 29-November1 meeting platform. Simple poster PDF files can be uploaded until October 23.

Can I edit my presentation after I've uploaded it?
Yes. After uploading, you will be able to view/revise your presentations until October 19 at 4pm CT. If you encounter any difficulty uploading your presentation, please email Confex technical support or call Monday through Friday 8:30am–6:00pm EST at +1-401-334-0220.

How do I submit a virtual abstract?
You can initiate a virtual submission here.

Do you have some basic/general presentation tips?
These basic tips will help you succeed in the virtual environment.

Virtual Oral FAQs

How long should my oral presentation prerecording last?

  • Oral presentations should last no longer than 15 minutes.
  • Rapid oral presentations should last no longer than 5 minutes.

Do you have a PPT slide template that I can use while building my presentation.
Yes, please feel free to use the 2023 PPT slide template. Please note that this is just a helpful tool - you are not required to utilize it in your presentation.

What is the prescribed slide format?
Use the widescreen 16:9 format when creating your PowerPoint slides. 4:3 formatted slides are not supported.

How do I set up and upload my prerecorded oral presentation?
Helpful setup and uploading instructions/tips can be found by logging into the Speakers Corner.

I need a little help with that abstract ID # and password...
You can find your abstract number and password by logging in with your Society login information via the Confex Gateway.

When are prerecorded oral presentations due?
Prerecorded oral presentation files can be uploaded until October 19th - 4:00pm Central Time.

Virtual Poster FAQs

What is an Eposter?
You have the option of uploading a prerecorded Eposter presentation and/or a simple PDF poster file if you wish. With much the same feel as an oral presentation, Eposter presenters walk attendees through the poster section by section. Eposter presentations are prerecorded for on-demand access. Additional setup details can be accessed by logging into the Speakers Corner.

Please view the below Eposter examples for reference:

How long should an Eposter presentation last?
Recordings for Eposters should last between 2-10 minutes.

When are Eposter presentation uploads due?
Eposter files can be uploaded until October 19th - 4:00pm Central Time.

Can a simple PDF upload of a poster be broken into multiple pages?
If you would like your poster to appear in the online program, you may upload it as a simple PDF file. The PDF can be multiple pages, but it must be only one file. (There is a 60 MB file size limit.) You can upload your poster file by logging in via the Speakers Corner.

I need a little help with that abstract ID # and password...
You can find your abstract number and password by logging in with your Society login information via the Confex Gateway.

When are simple PDF files of Posters due?
PDF poster files can be uploaded until October 23rd - 4:00pm Central Time.


Meeting Registration

I am an accepted abstract presenter. Am I registered for the Annual Meeting?
An accepted abstract is not the same thing as a meeting registration. Register today to gain access to this year's cutting edge science.

I’m an invited speaker. Do I need to register to attend?
The Societies’ policy is to waive registration rates for non-member invited symposia speakers only. If you fully meet that criteria, you will receive communication regarding your complimentary registration in early September.
If you are a member of ASA, CSSA or SSSA, you must register normally. If you are a non-member speaking in a volunteer session, you must register normally.


Student Questions

What student competitions are being held this year?
Graduate students can view competitions as defined here.

What are some of the student events at the meeting?
A full list of undergraduate activities is available here.
A full list of graduate student-specific activities is available here.
All students are strongly encouraged to attend all parts of the professional program that interest them.

Additional student questions? 
Please call us at 608-273-8080 or email Send Message.


Next Step Publishing

How do I take the next step from meeting presentation to Society publishing?
Visit https://www.agronomy.org/publications to learn more about the benefits of publishing with ACSESS.


Contact Us

Additional presenter questions?
For questions regarding the program, please email the Technical Program Manager.