Request a Letter of Intended Participation.Oral Presentation

Oral Presenter

All scientific abstracts are accepted! Gain presentation experience and professional recognition among premier agronomic, crop, soil, and related science professionals. Your efforts will expand your CV/vita, disseminate information for all to succeed, and foster lasting collaborations with your peers.

Abstract submissions open March 7.

Concerned you might not have enough detail for an abstract before the submission deadline?
Abstracts at this point are “holding slots” that reserve your spot in the desired session. The Program Planning Committee will require a title, full payment, and just enough abstract content to ensure your submissions are placed in proper sessions. Research details and more solid content can be added through November 1.

Oral Presentations

Oral presentations are 15 minutes each.

Five-Minute Rapid presentations are also available. These are 5-Minute oral presentations that can be presented alone or in conjunction with a poster session. There are only three slides allowed per rapid oral presentation.

2023 In-Person Oral Presentation Uploading instructions

Uploading Options:

  • Upload your presentation online by October 27, 11:59 PM/EDT
  • Upload your presentation no later than the day before your presentation in the Speaker Ready Room (Baltimore Convention Center, Room 301).

Benefits of Pre-Meeting Uploading:

  • No waiting in line at the meeting in order to upload your presentation.
  • Your presentation is guaranteed to be there where you need it.
  • You will be able to review, revise, or replace your uploaded presentation at the meeting.

How to Upload Your Presentation:

  1. If you did not receive your customized upload link via email, you may log into the Speakers Corner with your abstract ID number and password.
    (Your abstract ID number and password can be found by logging into the Confex Gateway.)
  2. Select helpful uploading module instructions along the left side of the Speakers Corner to produce and upload your oral presentation files.

Speaker Ready Room Hours:

  • Sunday, Nov. 6, 7:00 am - 6:00 pm
  • Monday, Nov. 7, 7:00 am - 6:00 pm
  • Tuesday, Nov. 8, 7:00 am - 6:00 pm
  • Wednesday, Nov. 9, 7:00 am - 12:00 pm

Note that the Speaker Ready Room is not open on Saturday:
The few individuals being recorded on Sunday will need to upload by Oct 27 online or onsite in the Meeting Room itself before the session begins on Sunday (the earlier the better).


Submission Tips and Tools:

Submit an In-person Abstract

Submit a Virtual Abstract


Important Dates

May 25, 4:00 PM CDT
    Early abstract deadline. Abstract submission fees increase $20 per abstract ($25 for non-members and Limited Virtual) after this date.

June 13, 4:00 PM CDT
    Final in-person abstract deadline.
        All in-person abstracts must be initiated and paid by this date. Submissions can be edited through November 1.

Early September
    Presentation Notification. You will be notified of your presentation date and time in early September.

September 20, 4:00 PM CDT
    Final virtual abstract deadline.
        All virtual abstracts must be initiated and paid by this date. Submissions can be edited through November 1.

Nonrefundable Abstract Fees

   $85 ($110 after May 25)

Professional Members
   $60 ($80 after May 25)

Graduate and Undergraduate Members*
   $40 ($60 after May 25)
      * You must be a member of the Societies.

Limited Virtual
   $140 ($165 after May 25)

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, full abstract fee and registration refunds for the 2021 Annual Meeting are available by request.  The abstract refund deadline is November 1.  The registration refund deadline is November 11.
No Risk

Membership Saves

Not a member? Join now for as little as $109.  Society members save more than $200 on registration, at least $25 in abstract fees, and receive all the benefits of membership.  Students save even more.   Join Now!*   ASA | CSSA | SSSA 

 *Membership must be obtained prior to registering/submitting to receive the member rate.
  The difference in the member/nonmember rates will not be refunded if membership is received after registration/submission.